Motivate to Loose Weight |
To navigate this site use the menu to the left, or the links at the bottom. This program will help you identify your problem areas in your lifestyle and help you make the changes you need to lead a healthy life. The website was a final project for a class project. My hope by leaving it up on the web is that it will continue to help the average person take control of their life and make healthy choices to rither loose weight, and or gain lean muscle. Please take note of the health warning located at the bottom of this page. The core of the project is a self motivation and support system for people to make healthy and livable lifestyle changes free of guilt, and gimmicks. My goal is to help people of all ages discover how anyone can make a healthy lifestyle change to loose weight, tone up or build muscle mass regardless of their age, gender, or previous physical conditioning. The project takes a light hearted, but yet structured approach to discovering what the current physical evaluation and body composition is and what the health risks common for that physical state are and more importantly how a person can change their lifestyle to avoid health issues caused by that condition. Motivation is the hardest part of any diet and exercise program. Looking better Naked is what most adults will say in a tongue and cheek answer to the question of what would motivate you to life a healthy living, eating and activity? If a better self portrait in the buff works for you then use it as your motivation. If not why not consider the VERY real health risks associated with not leading a healthy lifestyle. These risks include that just being overweight is the most common condition leading to diabetes, heart and circulation issues as the most likely effect. Also avoid binge and FAD dieting as other poor substitutes for healthy lifestyles since these types of diet often leave the person in worse physical condition at the end of the diet period then they were at the beginning of it. More importantly DO IT FOR YOURSELF. You will feel better and live longer if you take the time to make changes now. If you need a buddy enlist a friend or family member to workout with you or just have them in the loop. They can be fit already and still be useful to keep you on track for your goals. EVERYONE can change their lifestyle to a more healthy one if they respect that they need time to see changes, need to keep themselves motivated, and allow themselves to be happy with the progress they will be making no matter how slow it seems.
This site was last updated